Day By Day

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A Man For This Season? Bobby Jindal

My Louisiana correspondent directs me to this piece which he calls "A Good Article About A Good Man" -- Bobby Jindal, who just may be the man to save Louisiana.

I have to admit, Jindal is immensely impressive, and canny. The article notes that he turned his back on the Washington fast-track, electing instead to return to Louisiana in an attempt to "govern the ungovernable." This is portrayed as a personal sacrifice. I'm not so sure. For an ambitious politician like Jindal, putting some distance between himself and the beltway crowd is a good move, and should he have success in Louisiana, his governmental credentials will be solidified. He can return to the big leagues in triumph -- if, of course, he succeeds in Louisiana.

And is it possible to succeed in Louisiana? A short quote from the article illustrates the immensity of the task Bobby faces.

You don’t see how bad some governments are run until the moment when things are at their most dire and people face their greatest moment of need.

At that point of despair, a choice is made: either the cops form lines to rush the burning towers, or they grab a shopping cart and start looking for what they can take.

Read the whole thing here.

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