Meet Richard Marks. Read about him below.
From the Baltimore Sun:
Brian Jarrell was heading to his kitchen for a middle-of-the-night glass of water Monday when he noticed a chemical odor seeping from his 9-year-old son's room. The Dundalk father checked on the boy and a younger daughter also sleeping in the room.
And then he saw a figure hiding behind the door of an armoire.
The man fled, but Jarrell chased him down. Later, he found a rag doused in a chemical, where his son had been sleeping.
"I just got sick," the father said yesterday, "because I realized he was after my son."
Police have charged a 49-year-old man -- free since April after spending nearly all of the past three decades in prison -- with an attempted sex offense and burglary. And yesterday police issued an alert to parents and anyone else who might have recently smelled any odd chemicals in their home.
Richard Lewis Marks, 49, was charged Tuesday with an attempted first-degree sex offense, five counts of assault, burglary and resisting arrest. He was being held at the county Detention Center without bond.
Read it here.
Every time I start to think that the ACLU has a point -- that we are going overboard regarding the threat to children and as a result threatening civil liberties -- something like this happens.
Pitch him in a cell and throw away the key.
I thought I was being harsh, but a father of five e-mails me saying that life in prison is too kind and a drag on society; he recommends that we:
Fire up Old Sparky, sharpen the needle, grease the trap and test the noose,I personally have no problem with the death penalty, but what with the litigation that drags on and on this creep would be pushing seventy before the sentence could be executed -- not much different from a life sentence.
bring back Le Guillotine, resurrect the Utah 7, tank-up Caroll Chessman's
last residence... rid the planet of his carbon footprint.