This weekend we traveled with some friends up to the Clyburn Arboretum where they were having a "market day". The event brought plant vendors and craftspeople from all around the Baltimore area together to sell their wares to plodding masses of aging and aspiring gardeners.
Not being a gardener myself I simply wandered around with my camera for a while, snapping pictures of the oddities on display (like "Rum Buns" here) then found a cool, shady place to sit and read. Between the crafties and the greenies the atmosphere was vaguely reminiscent of late sixties/early seventies hippydom, and I found it a bit off-putting. These weren't my kind of people back then, and they aren't today.
After a while my wife returned loaded down with plants. We all piled into the car and went back to the Inner Harbor for a late lunch. Not a bad excursion, but not particularly good either. The main consequence -- our apartment is coming more and more to look like a greenhouse.