Day By Day

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Adventures in India, Part 26 -- Travel to the Ganges

That evening we had dinner at the hotel accompanied by fireworks, then off to bed to rest up for the journey to Varasani [Bernares].

The airport waiting area. While waiting there I met an interesting young woman -- an urban sociologist who was studying the Islamic community in Mumbai. Much of what she was finding there paralleled things I found when I was doing similar work on nineteenth century Philadelphia. It made for a fascinating conversation [at least for urbanologists].

A reminder of the problems plaguing the the subcontinent -- heavily armed guards on the runway.

In Varasani, watching the traffic pass by.

Street scene -- note the dead kite entangled in the wires.

The traffic of Varasani -- the city's drivers are acknowledged to be the worst in all of India. They seem to glory in the reputation.

Street scenes at night.

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