Day By Day

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Wolfowitz and Global Warming

Newly installed President of the World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz, is seeking to formulate an alternative to Kyoto.

Reuters reports:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz on Friday said the multilateral lender wants to help foster discussion among industrialized nations and emerging market countries such as China and India on tackling global warming.

In a telephone interview with Reuters from Gleneagles, Scotland, where a summit of Group of Eight leaders had just concluded, Wolfowitz said the World Bank was asked to develop a framework for mobilizing investment in clean air technologies by November.

"If it went really well, it might create a framework for agreeing on some of the more difficult choices," he said.

Read it here.

Kyoto has long been dead, and finally international organizations are coming to realize it. If you read the whole article you will find that time and again Wolfowitz comes back to the idea of dialogue and coordination of activities between the developed and the developing world. It is clear that he sees a major role for the World Bank in promoting such coordination.

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