The village and surrounding countryside are as beautiful as I have seen anywhere and I wished we could stay there for a few days, just relaxing, taking in the sights, eating the local cuisine [very highly rated] and sipping the best tea in China. But we were on a schedule and there was much to do before night fell.
We trooped into a conference room where we were presented with a lecture [actually a sales pitch] on tea, how it is raised, harvested, prepared, etc. by the daughter of the plantation owner. It was quite good, informative and persuasive enough that "She Who Must Not Be Named" loaded up with a year's supply of "emperor grade" tea.
Here's the lady herself. She hasn't quite finished her demonstration and, if you note, the wallets are already open.
After the lecture I left the main group and walked my camera around the estate taking pictures for about half an hour. Then we reassembled, got on our buses, and headed off to our next destination, Shanghai.