This is Tozeur's central market. Once again we see the distinctive brickwork so characteristic of the city. Inside were the usual produce stalls, something similar to what you would see in a major American city -- like Pikes Place in Seattle, the Reading Terminal in Philly, Lexington Market in Baltimore, etc. There was one significant difference, though. At the back of the market building there were several butchers whose shops proudly displayed their offerings.
Gruesome, eh? This was only one of several instances in which we were reminded of the vast sensibility gulf between Arab and middle-class American cultures. In a way I think it is good to be reminded where those tasty lamb patties we had for dinner last night came from.
Then it was out into the open air market where more palatable goods were on display. Then a short walk down Habib Bourguiba Street, named in honor of the Tunisian Republic's first President for life, and back on the bus for a trip to the zoo.