Day By Day

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Appalachian Springtime -- New Pics

Spent a few days up on the mountain. One of the nice things about living in two states is that you can prolong Springtime. The first wave of Spring blooms has crested down in Maryland, but up north it is just arriving.

One reason I really like the mountain in the Springtime is this. From my favorite workplace I see this when I raise my eyes from the computer screen.

And if I turn around and look the opposite direction I see this.

Or I can wander outside and see this.

Or this.

Or even better this.

And I have wonderful neighbors -- always a joy to watch. I was so taken with them that I didn't even notice the Turkey Vultures circling overhead. If you look really closely you can see a couple of them in the picture.

Here's a better picture of a TV. They always seem to show up right after I step outside. Maybe they know something....