A recent Gallup poll found that only 41 percent of respondents approved of Bush's handling of the economy, compared to 55 percent who disapproved.
This is insane! Reynolds' article goes on to compare the Bush boom with that of Clinton and notes that under Bush the nation has achieved a level of prosperity comparable to that of the 1990's despite having faced much more difficult challenges [a recession, a bursting speculative bubble, Katrina, 9/11, a worldwide rise in energy costs, war, etc.]
I have argued many times that there is a good case to be made for considering the Bush administration's economic management to be the best of the past century and, were it not for Alexander Hamilton's genius, perhaps the best in our nation's history.
And still the idiots complain!
Reynolds notes this disparity between perception and reality and writes:
Because polls reflect perception rather than reality, the suspicion arises that many people wrongly believe the U.S. economy is in bad shape because that is what they keep hearing on TV or reading in the newspapers.
There's more than a suspicion involved here. The insane Bush-hatred that informs so much of our political commentary these days has seeped over into the economic realm. The MSM are and have long been engaged in a systematic disinformation campaign aimed at delegitimizing and denigating the accomplishments of the current administration. In doing so they are not serving the country or the American people well.