The yachts at the inner harbor just keep getting bigger. That's the Lady Christine, built by Oceanco Yacht. You can read more about her here. It's owned by Irvine Laidlaw. Read about him here.
Keeping cool on a hot afternoon.
Here's the previous occupant of the spot; the ducks scared him away. Dastardly ducks!
And over at the Harbor East, a local street fair.

That's Ellen Cherry, a figure in Baltimore's music scene, named by Rolling Stone as the best local music scene in the nation here. Not being a clubber I couldn't say, but Ellen has a nice folksy sound I like.

Kids just like to pound things. It's amazing the energy they expended just making noise.
And now for something completely different. This morning as I walked to breakfast at my favorite coffee shop I passed through a film shoot. We're getting used to this sort of thing around here -- a lot of movies are shot in Baltimore. I didn't bother to ask what film it was. Four of the guys I was meeting for breakfast had walked through the set too. They hadn't bothered to ask either and just complained that the film crew had taken their favorite parking spots. That's how blase people around here have gotten. Film crews have become just another annoyance.