Day By Day

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Michael Barone on Immigration

Michael Barone lays out the key principles involved in the immigration debate.

America needs immigration legislation to regularize the flow of immigrants in tandem with our labor markets and to promote assimilation and Americanization, which, in the past, enabled immigrants and their children to become interwoven into the American fabric and worked to make our country more prosperous, productive, and creative.

Regularize the flow of immigration. Opponents of legalization and guest worker programs talk as if the only moral blame for illegal immigration should fall on the illegals themselves. But we are all complicit. Politicians and officeholders, Democrats and Republicans, voters of all stripes have for a long time failed to insist on effective enforcement of the law, and must share the blame for the fact that people, almost all of them in search of work not welfare, have come to America illegally.


[T]he governing principle should be to find a way for immigrants to come here legally in response to the demand for their labor that obviously exists. Shutting off the flow of immigration would severely damage our economy. Legalizing it would improve our security. We need to do the latter.

This is in our interest and is also in line with our heritage....

Read it here.

Excellent statement, as we have come to expect from one of the few sane men left in Washington.

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