Day By Day

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Simply Despicable -- Russell Shaw on Useful Casualties

The gang at the Huffington Post has done it again. Every time I think it has reached the bottom of the barrel it dips even lower into the intellectual muck that is leftist thought. This time the monster they give space to is Russell Shaw, who argues that another successful major terrorist attack on the U.S. on the order of 9/11 would be acceptable if it were timed to hit just before the upcoming elections and provided Democrats with a talking point ["Bush failed to protect you"] that would enable them to take control of Congress.

I have long suspected that there were some cretins on the left who might harbor such thoughts, but this is far beyond anything I imagined. Shaw even goes so far as to justify such a calculus by noting that it took the deaths of a lot of innocents to destroy Hitler.

That's right, folks. In the Huffy world, Bush is Hitler, Republicans are Nazis, and both must be removed by any means possible, no matter how reprehensible.

After all..., it's for a good cause.

Read this bilious bilge here, and weep.

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