As I have noted before, deep within the breast of "She Who Must Not Be Named" lurks a fourteen year old girl who emerges from time to time to announce that she just has to see Nancy Drew, Kit Kitteridge, Nim's Island, or some such thing. Her latest appearance was last weekend when "She" insisted we go to the BSO concert under the stars at Oregon Ridge. The program was titled "Hocus Pocus" and featured movie music from Harry Potter and other fantasy-themed kids movies. Of course there were lots and lots of children in attendance, many of them dressed as Harry, Hermione, Ron or one of their friends. There was a drawing, wands were handed out, one lucky kid [not "She" unfortunately] won a trip to London for the next Potter premier.
There were lots of amusements for the kids.
But some were attracted to simpler pleasures like a grassy slope.
Or even simpler -- the kid sitting next to me spent the entire concert trying to swat bugs with a paper fan. He wasn't even trying to keep time with the music.
As always with these things the concert ended with a fireworks display accompanied by John Williams bombast. At last, a chance to try out the "fireworks" setting on my F100 [2.000 exposure, F/9.0]. Here are some of the results.
Finally we headed back to the car in a procession of families led by kids waving light sabers.