A second narrative, also invoked to explain electoral defeat, is the assertion that most white Americans are racists and that Republicans exploit this fact, appealing to the worst demons of human nature.
Time and again these stories have been told, about Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and both Bushes. And they have been given credence by a left-of-center press corps. They have become, for those who view life from the left, conventional wisdom. Now the Obamination is using them against John McCain. But, this time some liberals are rejecting the narrative. James Kirchick of the New Republic isn't buying it. He writes:
Read it here.
[T]he fears of Obama supporters that their candidate lies eternally vulnerable to GOP smears exists only in their fevered imaginations. The evidence of dirty Republican tricks has been utterly absent this campaign season. And if anyone has tried to smear Barack Obama in the way that Thomas, Wolfe and other Democratic partisans allege, it was not the Republican National Committee, but rather Hillary Rodham Clinton and her surrogates....
The belief that “the Republican Party has been successfully scaring voters since 1968” is a comforting salve for Democrats. After all, it’s much easier for them to demonize conservatives than consider that the reason for their electoral defeats may lie with liberal ideas.
One has to admire Kirchick for his honesty -- too bad the "candidate of change" won't himself abandon the tired old lies of the left.