The more we learn about Sarah Palin the more I like her. Turns out she is into motorcycles.
People Magazine reports:
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin recently welcomed the crew from Orange County Choppers... to Anchorage where show star Paul Teutul Sr. ...hangs out with the Governor in her office and talks about the Alaskan weather, snowmobiling and fishing in the summer.... After inviting the OCC crew back for the summer months, she suggests having fun Alaska style, saying, "We'll ride the bike to the fishing hole."Read it here.
Sarah on the back of a bike.... Woo Hoo!
More important, though, is the fact that the "Chopper" program took pains to seek her out and interview her. They know their audience and they know that she is immensely popular with their fanbase. Will we someday see Sarah participating in "Rolling Thunder"? Could be.
UPDATE: Holy Moly! Here's a link to a video of the interview [including a criticism of Sarah for having a bearskin in her office].