Day By Day

Thursday, February 10, 2005


I’ve been out of touch for more than a day now, and it is surprising just how little it has affected me. Every once in a while something would happen and I would think “I should blog that,” but the impulse was fleeting and I was easily distracted by other things. I had heard much about the addictive qualities of blogging, but in my case at least they seem to have been overrated. I can quit anytime I want – dammit! Really! I can! Quit smirking. I can, I tell you.

Yesterday was occupied with packing and unpacking, appointments, errands, shopping and storing, and travel back to the harbor. When I got there my internet connection was down (we are changing ISP’s and had not yet been connected to the new one). I suppose I could have walked a block to Barnes & Noble, paid a couple of bucks and set up to blog in the Starbucks, but I was too beat. I crashed and woke up in the AM.

Time for some serious writing. Progress on my latest book has been slow for the last few weeks. Blogging couldn’t have anything to do with that, …could it? Nah!


Writing interlude


Ahhh! I'm back on the net, with a DSL hookup. Blisssss.

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