Day By Day

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Democrat Response

Harry Reid,

I'm humble, humble, humble. Got that? I'm a humble guy of humble origins. We must invest in America's future [duh!]. Says the economy is bad [huh?] Bush created deficit [partly true, although many democrats voted for tax cuts, and I didn't see any voting for program cuts]. We must end corporate tax breaks; stop outsourcing of jobs. Europe is a threat to our economic future [oh really?]. We must invest in infrastructure [OK]. These were last year's election themes, they didn't work then, won't work now.

More money for education. Make education and health care more affordable [that might be a winner -- education and health care costs are out of control]. Bush is like Bill Murray in "Groundhog Day." [weak joke] We're not partisan, really we aren't. Really! Please believe me. Bush is theatening a cut in social security. We'll fight it. And he will raise the deficit. Investment is a gamble. Tired old class warfare themes. Soak the rich. Not a winner.

Nancy Pelosi,

National security themes. Kudos for the troops. She really can't compete on this issue. Bush owns it. Calls for withdrawal from Iraq. Wants a clear plan for withdrawal [yeah, like Bush would be stupid enough to state one]. Wants training [so does Bush], wants accelerated economic reconstruction [so does Bush], intensified regional diplomacy [so does Bush]. No real alternative here. Sets new goalposts -- next elections in Iraq. Will they be secure and broad? Implies criticism of this set of elections. This won't work.

We haven't done enough to secure the country. [This will work only if we are hit again.] If there is a successful attack, these charges will stick. If not, they aren't worth much. The Dems are simply staking out a position in case.

Wants more involvement. Latin America, Sudan, Palestine. [But Condi's trip will undercut this critique.]

More equipment for troops. [Bush already called for this.]

Health care and benefits for veterans. A new GI Bill of Rights. [This might be a winner.]

The problem here is, the Democratic leadership is split. Who speaks for them? Neither Pelosi or Reid gives a very good speech. This has been Bush's night.

FOX brings "da Hammer" on. That's not the face you want representing the Republicans.

Bad choice.

More later.

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