Day By Day

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Juan and Jonah, the sequel

Go here and here to read the latest broadsides in a debate that becomes ever more ridiculous. For some reason a number of people seem to be interested in following it. I'm not. Neither man is covering himself with glory here, but on balance I'd say Jonah has got the better of it. Cole scores some factual points, and in a reasoned debate might be impressive, but this is not reasoned debate. It's a schoolyard tauntfest, and here the Prof. is hopelessly outmanned. If he thinks that the insults he hurls at Jonah are witty, he's wrong. He is offensively and obnoxiously overbearing and condescending. Stop it! Stop it now!

Professor Cole does have some pertinent and relevant things to say about the Middle East and Iraq in particular, but they have been completely submerged in an endless stream of vitriol. This is unfortunate because there could have been a solid, informative exchange of views. That, however, has been lost. Too bad, now let's move on.

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