Day By Day

Friday, February 11, 2005

Tectonic shifts

India Daily publishes pictures, generated by the British Navy, of the sea floor where the Boxing Day earthquake took place. Check the article out here.

At the end there are links to other tsunami related articles. This one I found to be particularly disturbing.

Was Tsunami caused by human hands trying to develop alternative energy from Tectonic plate frictions and movements?

Many in South Asia now believe that the Tsunami was created by some entity trying to develop alternate energy from Tectonic plate frictions and movements.

Read the whole thing here. The editorial is actually less inflammatory than the headline, but it reveals an X-Files state of mind [just who are these "entities" anyway?] that is becoming all too familiar in today's opinion-shaping institutions. Maybe Carl Sagan was right. We do inhabit a "demon-haunted" world.

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