Day By Day

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Good Sense On Global Warming

Once again the good sense of the American public proves resistent to the determined efforts of the ideologues and religious fanatics in the environmental movement. Gallup reports that..., well let Editor and Publisher explain:
NEW YORK With warnings about global warming reaching a fever pitch in recent weeks--Vanity Fair is about to come out with a special section featuring George Clooney and Julia Roberts on its cover--most Americans are convinced that the Earth is being affected, but they have still not grown urgently concerned about it, according to a Gallup poll released today.

Only one in three predict global warming will pose a serious threat in their lifetimes.

Contrary to what one might expect, Gallup found that while public concern is higher than in 2004, it is "no higher than it has been at several points in the past." In fact, Americans are more worried about water pollution, air pollution, and toxic waste than global warming.
"Since 1999, Republicans' level of worry about the issue has dipped noticeably," Gallup reports, "while worry among Democrats has shown less change."

And Gallup observes: "Despite the increased concern about global warming this year, the issue still has a low ranking relative to other environmental problems....
Read the whole thing here.

The American public is right to reject the apocalyptic hysteria emanating from the "scientific community," the UN kleptocrats, EU bureaucrats, and Hollywood hustlers, aided, abetted and often funded by left-wing zealots. Climates are unstable. They are constantly changing. The change we observe is well within the range observed in studies of pre-industrial, pre-historic, and even pre-human periods. It is something to note, perhaps even to prepare for, but nothing to get excited about.

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