Day By Day

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Gates of Vienna are Everywhere

Cliff May, down on the Corner, makes a pertinent point regarding today's Mumbai bombings:

The root cause for this act of Militant Islamist terrorism is the Indian occupation of Kashmir.

And the Israeli occupation of the West Bank. And the US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. And the Spanish occupation of Andalusia. And the …
Read it here.

Excellent observation. Everywhere we see Islamists against Christians, Islamists against Hindus, Islamists against Buddhists, Islamists against atheists, Islamists against Jews, and of course, Islamists against moderate Muslims. Samuel Huntington wrote about the "bloody borders of Islam." Well, the bloodshed isn't confined just to the borders -- it is everywhere, and there is no way to escape it.

Read Samuel Huntington's response to his critics [from 1993] here. How prescient he sounds!

The Bloody Borders Project charts the incidence of Islamic terror attacks [here].

They write:

Seeing the worldwide sweep of the Islamist enterprise makes it evident that the attacks on the United States, despite their unprecedented horror, were but a minuscule piece of the enormous mosaic of Salafist terror. The terror masters have established their first beachheads in the West — more so in Western Europe than the United States — but their murderous ideology had long since become a way of life in many other parts of the world.

Looking at the these maps helps to broaden the view of anyone accustomed only to mainstream media reports of terror attacks. The violence in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Israel is very clear — Iraq has the highest concentration of terror since late 2003 — but much of the rest of the world endures a quotidian brutality that is scarcely mentioned in the Western press.

Particularly notable are Algeria — in which the violence is Muslim-on-Muslim — the Caucasus, southern Thailand, the Philippines, and India, particularly the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Islamists were terrorizing these places before September 11th, and their killing of apostates and infidels will continue. Even if the Coalition withdraws completely from Iraq and Afghanistan, and the Jews are driven into the sea, the slaughter will not cease.

The goal of the Salafists — those who espouse the extreme fundamentalist form of Islam — is nothing less than the ascendance of Islam worldwide, and the re-establishment of the Caliphate to rule over the Umma, which is the collective body of the faithful along with their slaves and vassals.

Everywhere we are standing at the Gates of Vienna!

The Jihadis cannot be appeased; they cannot be avoided; they are mad dogs and must be crushed!

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