Day By Day

Monday, November 06, 2006

Pennsylvania Politics -- Vote For Senator Rick!

Pat Toomey Weighs In!

Pat Toomey, current president of the Club for Growth whose defeat in the Republican primaries of 2004 touched off a conservative revolt throughout the Commonwealth, responds to activists who are urging conservatives to sit out this year's elections.

He reminds voters that a Democrat win would be more than a brief blip on the electoral screen, that liberals, if empowered, could do real damage to the nation and to the world, and that the conservative cause could suffer a major setback.

He writes:
The opportunity to improve the Republican Party comes in primaries. And last May we Pennsylvania Republicans did some serious house-cleaning. Staying home on Nov. 7 risks squandering, among other things, the valiant and successful efforts made by reform-minded conservatives last spring.

As conservatives, we fought long and hard to be in a position to drive the direction of this nation. Let's not discard all that hard work now by handing the reins of government to the Democrats.

I urge for our Republican candidates. If you don't, you could wake up Wednesday morning to find a Congress run by Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid. How would you feel then?

Read the whole thing here.

Get out and vote. Get out and vote. Get out and vote for Senator Rick.

UPDATE: Conservatve columnist Jack Kelly says "Throw the bums out", but he also says to re-elect Senator Rick whom he compares to Lincoln and Churchill [here].

As I have said many times, and as Kelly and Toomey recognize, Rick Santorum is the best Senator of the bunch by far, and to lose him would be a terrible blow to the State and the nation.

Vote for Senator Rick!!! Save your anger for the primaries!

Pat Toomey says to do so! So does Jack Kelly! So do I!

Do it!

UPDATE 2: KeystonePolitics reports that the latest poll has Rick closing to within four points.

Read it here.

UPDATE 3: Whoops, it seems that the poll reported by Keystone Politics is bogus. Sorry -- it sounded too good to be true.

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