Day By Day

Friday, November 03, 2006

Rogue Bureaucrats Shoot Themselves in the Foot Again

The NYT and their traitorous VIP ["Veteran Intelligence Professionals" -- who have long been waging covert war against this administration seeking to bring about regime change in America] allies in the Intelligence community are trying to embarrass the administration again. They report on a web archive, set up largely as a result of pressure from Senator Santorum, that translates and declassifies the mountains of information contained in documents seized during the invasion of Iraq. [here] The tenor of the story is that much of this information is too dangerous to be open to the public and its purpose is to assert the privilege of the VIPS to decide just what should and should not be classified, with no regard to the demands of Congress or the Administration. It is, in other words, a blatant assertion of the principle of professional privilege in contradiction of fundamental principles of free government.

But as Michael Ledeen points out the NYT and the VIPs have badly miscalculated. In their zeal to discredit administration policy and Republican candidates for office, they have illuminated a few very important pieces of information. To wit:

1) By rushing into print with details regarding the documents they are unwittingly endorsing the position of the Administration and the Politicians, that this is important information that the public has a right to know.

2) The documents also show that Iraq was on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons technology -- which means that Bush was right in asserting just that.

3) Iran is indeed trying to build nuclear weapons -- something that Bush has long maintained, but that EU and Russian sources deny.

4) There was indeed a developing Iraq-al Qaeda connection prior to the war.

In other words -- the documents show that Bush told and is telling the truth; his critics are the ones who are lying.

Read Ledeen's statement here.

Read Captain Ed's assessment here.

More from Jim Geraghty here. This one's a must read! The NYT has just unwittingly destroyed the entire "Bush lied" argument.

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