Day By Day

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

A Nobel for al-Sistani? Let's think about this for a while.

Those who wish to demean and diminish George W. Bush's accomplishments are following a predictable course of argument. First they predict disaster, then when it doesn't happen they say the cost was too high for the payoff, then when the payoff turns out to be great they say that Bush was just lucky, that other things or people were the "real" cause of the change.

The latest effort in this anti-Bush genre is Tom Friedman's article nominating Ali al-Sistani for the Nobel Prize. Read it here. [in the NYT, of course]

Dhimmi Watch posts a response to Friedman's article by Jihad Watch Advisory Board Vice President Hugh Fitzgerald. There is a lot about Sistani and the peculiar variety of Islam he represents that many writers are overlooking in their haste to praise anyone but Bush. Friedman praises Sistani for his "progressive" inclinations. After reading Fitzgerald I sincerely doubt that such a term is applicable here.

Read it here.

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