Day By Day

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Pennsylvania Politics -- Swann - Rendell, the Starting Positions

Just a few days ago the Keystone Poll found that Lynn Swann and Ed Rendell were starting off even in the gubenatorial contest. Now the Quinnipiac Poll is out and it looks a lot different.

Key points:

Rendell, the incumbent, starts with a big lead over Swann [48-36%].

Rendell suffers a gender gap -- Men prefer him 52-35%; with women it's only 44-36%.

Swann's biggest problem is inexperience. Only 26% of the respondent say he has the right kind of experience to be governor.

The Republican base is really, really disaffected. 22% of Republicans plan to vote for Rendell. There is still a lot of resentment against the party leadership and the white house for backing Specter against Toomey two years ago.

Read the whole thing here.

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