Day By Day

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Another Truth Teller

Read Phil Mushnik's latest column. Here's the setup:

TV reporters coddle Muslim-Americans

OVER the last five years, you’ve likely seen similar interviews conducted by TV newspersons countless times. Roughly, they go like this:

Muslim-Americans are seen and heard to complain about their loss of personal freedoms while traveling by air from, to and within the U.S. These complaints include everything from being singled out for security inspections to being detained for interrogation. But then the piece ends. And it’s left for viewers to consider whether the U.S. government is doing Muslims dirt.

But, in five years of watching such interviews, we’ve yet to hear any of the reporters or correspondents ask logical, follow-up questions of Muslim-Americans:

For example: “Given that the radical Muslim world now represents a genuine, daily threat to the lives of all Americans, what would you, a Muslim-American, do as it relates to airport security?”

And/or: “As a Muslim-American mother traveling with your children, would you be pleased if security were reduced on behalf of the sensitivities of Muslims? Don’t you prefer that the airplane you’re boarding with your loved ones be as safe as possible from attack?”

Again, after many such interviews, we have yet to hear such questions asked: Yes, it’s a genuine shame that you us have to undergo such rigorous measures at airports, since 9/11, but what, sir or madam, would you do? Should we make it as easy or more difficult for Islamic extremists to again commit mass murder?

Read the whole thing here.

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