Day By Day

Friday, September 15, 2006

Oriana, Farewell

One of the most important voices of our times has been silenced. Orianna Fallaci has lost her long battle with cancer.

AP summarizes her career this way:

Fallaci, a former Resistance fighter and war corespondent who was hardly seen in public, had lived in New York for years.

During her journalistic career she became known for uncompromising interviews with such world leaders as former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

Her recent publications, including the best-selling book "The Rage and The Pride," which came out weeks after the Sept. 11, 2001, drew accusations of inciting hatred against Muslims.

Read it here.

Hardly adequate. She was one of the great truth-tellers. Wretchard's rememberance is better:

A few months ago, a friend in Manhattan attended to what must have been one of her last public appearances. By then she was 76 and very sick of cancer. And still she spoke, through the written word and at small gatherings. And this time I paid attention, not to a woman in the autumn of her beauty, but to a warrior in the fullness of her strength. At the time of her death Oriana Fallaci was facing a suit in Italy for daring to suggest that her country and culture were under threat from radical Islam. In her youth she did not bow to Hitler; and in her old age she hurled defiance at yet another tyranny. The darkness came and yet the darkness claimed her not.
Read it here.

For a revealing interview, perhaps her last, go here.

More here, and here, and here.

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