Day By Day

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Norman Borlaug

I have frequently opined that the greatest figure of the twentieth century -- certainly far and away the greatest humanitarian -- was Norman Borlaug.

Never heard of him?

Well, he is now finally the subject of a comprehensive biography by Leon Hesser. Read about him in the WSJ review [here].

Briefly, Borlaug, an agronomist, is the father of the "Green Revolution." As a result of his efforts, hundreds of millions [perhaps billions] of people are now alive who otherwise would have starved. And he is not finished. Today, at the age of 92, he is actively involved in efforts to spread the Green Revolution in Africa.

His story is one that deserves to be told, time and again. Click on one of the Amazon links at the top of this page and purchase Hesser's biography of "The Man Who Fed the World". Read it and renew some of your faith in humanity, its capabilities, and our common future.

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