Day By Day

Friday, March 11, 2005

Rob is Still Wrestling With Churchill

Rob, over at Digito Society is still wrestling with the Churchill affair and the reactions to it. Check him out, he has some interesting things to say [and he was kind enough to cite me]. This case won't die easily, not just because of the personalities of the people involved, but because it raises really important issues of academic freedom and responsibility and also has real world consequences. People have lost their jobs and had their careers ruined because of it, and there is a real threat that academic freedoms might be curtailed not just at CU, but more generally.

As disgusting as the whole mess has become the Churchill case does serve as a useful entry point into several larger questions dealing with the role of academic institutions in our society and culture today. I give Rob credit for actually trying to engage the issues in a meaningful way rather than simply plugging in ideological templates. Nice going, guy.

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