Day By Day

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Thomas Woods Gets No Respect

In an earlier post I gave an extremely negative review to Thomas Woods' Politically Incorrect Guide to American History. So did the liberal New York Times. So did the Neo-con Max Boot. Now arch-conservative Ronald Radosh, writing in Front Page chimes in. He writes:
Thomas E. Woods Jr. has written a propagandistic, cartoon like portrait of the United States..., a truly “absurd manifesto.”

With regard to Woods' use of a book he co-authored Dr. Radosh writes:
What Mr. Woods does with his excerpts from and citation of our book is to misuse our research and work for a politically contentious argument that is far from the truth.

Then Radosh makes the point I emphasized in my post:
His specious far-right assault on the truth has allowed others to use Woods’ book to blast any serious attempt to reinterpret our past from anything but a left/liberal perspective, and to undermine those who are attempting to do so in a serious fashion.
The rest of the review consists of an assault on Howard Zinn's work and on the New York Times' lack of objectivity. Sorta beside the point I think. You can read it here.

Poor Dr. Woods! Nobody, but nobody, in the profession has a kind word to say for him. Well, come to think of it, he deserves it.

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