Day By Day

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Bush is on a roll

Remember a couple of years ago when Bush was being slammed for the ineptness of his diplomatic efforts, and how they were supposed to be "isolating" the US? Of course you do. Well, as things turned out, it was Chirac and his gang of obstructors who were isolated, not Bush who has emerged as one of the most stunningly effective world leaders in our lifetimes. His skills were again on display at the G-8 summit. Don't expect to hear about it in America's MSM, but here's an Australian take on the subject.
US PRESIDENT George W. Bush has brilliantly nailed the feel-good politically correct worthlessness of both the Kyoto global 'warming' treaty and Live 8's make poverty 'history' in a stunning double play.

He has done so not by attacking them directly, easy enough as that would be to do. Like a relative asked to comment on kindergarten artwork, he's too polite to so embarrass British PM Tony Blair, who's embraced them both.

But by offering alternatives that would actually work. And especially in helping Africa work, immediately and dramatically.

Read the whole thing here.

More and more it is becoming apparent that the Bush administration is providing adult supervision to a bunch of sulky European adolescents.

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