Day By Day

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Good Advice for Democrats from Joan Vennochi

Joan Vennochi tells it like it is in the Boston Globe.

Democrats continue to fight the last campaign, while Republicans are planning for the next two. While the Democrats are busy bashing Bush -- a second-term president who is not running for anything -- the Republicans are working on their strategy for victory in 2006 and 2008. Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman, continues the GOP outreach to Latino and African-American voters. Dividing up the Democratic base and conquering even a small piece of it helps Republicans in future elections and hurts Democrats.


Democrats should spend more time in places like Ohio, and it should be quality time. They should be listening, for once, to what voters are thinking, not telling voters what is wrong about their thinking and their past choice on election day.

Read it here.

The article makes two very important points:

1) the fundamental irrationality and disfunction of Democrats' obsessive fixation on Bush. Obstructionism is not a reasonable plan of action and Bush-bashing is not productive.

2) Democrats, arrogantly convinced that they are bearers of the "truth", display a contempt for the ordinary voter that is also irrational and disfunctional.

And of course, that raises the deeper question of why the national Democratic Party should have embarked upon and remains committed to such a self-destructive course of action and thought.

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