Day By Day

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Spring's Progress

Well, I'm back..., sorta. Hope everyone had an excellent fastnacht. I still have a few greasy doughnut holes left over, and I don't feel a bit guilty about it. It's been a busy couple of days and things have finally returned to normal.

Spring continues to..., well, spring. The demented jays are back. "She Who Shall Not Be Named" had some of her friends over for lunch and one of them exclaimed "Look at that bird! It's attacking your house." Sure enough it was a blue jay, one of two that had taken possession of a rhododenden next to the living room. It was busily driving off all intruders, including its own reflection in the window. We watched for a while; I went to get my camera; and of course just as I took aim with it both jays flew off. But they'll be back. They always come back..., always. And they never learn..., it's just a reflection.

The snowdrops are still up. The crocuses and daffodils aren't fully up yet -- just a couple of inches of leaves peering up above ground. Sqirrels are in manic mood, and the songbirds are in full voice. I heard a woodpecker yesterday. Ah, yes. Spring is here. Now if someone would please tell whoever is running the climate.

Wasn't it supposed to be warming, and just a few weeks ago people were proclaiming the warmest winter on record. Well, it's been cold ever since. Tonight the temperature will be in the low twenties, and around midnight the snow and ice will start. Tomorrow will open with a mixture of snow, freezing rain and sleet. The high will be around freezing.

But, whatever discomfort that causes us humans, it won't stop the progress of spring. The squirrels, the jays, and that damn woodpecker will just shrug it off and keep going.

So will I.

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