Her name is Ayaan Hirsi Ali and she is a major babe [Hitchens calls her "an arresting and hypnotizing beauty"]. Judge for yourself. Here's a bit of her story:
Originally born in Somalia, she had been a refugee in several African countries and eventually a refugee from her own family, which had decided to "give" her in marriage to a distant male relative she had never met. Thinking to escape from such confines by moving to the Netherlands, she was appalled to find that radical Islam had followed her there—or in fact preceded her there—and was proselytizing among Turkish and Moroccan and Indonesian immigrants....Now it is she who is a virtual prisoner, bound by Islamist threats on her life and the actions of the Dutch government which is embarrassed by her outspoken stances.
Entering politics to try to alert the European left to this danger, she was first elected as a deputy for the Labor Party, but after 9/11 she changed her allegiance to the Liberals. This, she explained, was because many Labor spokesmen preferred to think of immigrants as possessing "group rights." They had become so infatuated by their own "multi-culti" style that they had ignored the rights of individuals—especially women and girls—who were imprisoned within their own ghetto.
Read about her here and here,
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