Day By Day

Monday, September 19, 2005

Clinton Disses Bush

The right wing of the blogosphere is all in a tizzy because Bill Clinton criticized President Bush's performance regarding Katrina, Iraq, and the federal budget.What set this off was a French story exaggerating the tone of the criticism.

Read the AFP story here.

Clinton's remarks are, of course, unfair and the bloggers are right to point out exactly where he goes astray, but the personal attacks on him are a bit misplaced. Polipundit, for instance, declared Bill Clinton Is No-Class Slime.

That very well may be, and there are many, many episodes in this guy's life's story that would substantiate such a charge, but this is not one of them. Remember, he is a Democrat whose wife is running for President. He, and by implication she, has been attacked by potential rivals for being too close to the Bushes and he has to distance himself, if not from President Bush, from his policies. Next year Hillary will be running against those policies and it would be a terrific embarrassment for Clinton to have endorsed them. Jeez, what the heck did you expect the guy to do?

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