Day By Day

Monday, September 05, 2005

Louisiana Update

One of my Louisiana correspondents writes to tell me that the local library in her town is presenting seminars on how to fill out federal relief forms. They are well attended.

There have been a lot of refugees [excuse me, "evacuees" -- musn't offend..., not even the sub-literate] passing through her small town. A surprising number of them have RV's. That good ol boy lifestyle pays off in an emergency.

Another item: there have been rumors of looting, rape, assault, etc. in parishes outside the flood area and throughout the state. In the parish where one of my correspondents lives the local sheriff has stated that the rumors are all false. He says that people trust the sheriff, but also notes that there has been a run on the local gun shop. Some would say that these widespread rumors reflect white racial fears, but my correspondent notes that nearly all of the identifiable refugees passing through his area are white. Obviously the stories were inspired by reports of what had been going on in New Orleans and there is no need to attribute them to racism, but that won't stop commentators from doing so.

He also suggests that a better descriptive term for the "refugee"/"evacuee"/"fleeing masses"/"virtuous victims of capitalism", or whatever they want to be called today would be "displaced persons" but notes that half a century and more ago that was a perjorative term. Perhaps it still is.

He also notes that the New Orleans TV channels carried an interesting interview with Lt Gen Honore -- that John Wayne dude who is originally from Louisiana. He writes:
[Honore] is less than kind [to fools] and tells liberal correspondents that "there is one rd into NO and it was under 10 feet of water and how you gonna get here in trucks? the ppl did not evacuate and the mayor fell on his ass". He doesn't get a lot of face time on CNN
MSNBC reports that when asked by a reporter why there was a delay in getting supplied to the survivors of the hurricane Gen. Honore replied, "“This is a disaster. This isn't something somebody can control. We ain't stuck on stupid.” [here]

Apparently, my correspondent was right -- Gen. Honore doesn't suffer fools gladly and he isn't getting a lot of airtime.

Naturally. He doesn't fit into the story line they are developing.


Similar rumors have been circulating in Houston. Read about it here.

Note: I have seen Gen. Honore using the term "displaced citizens" on TV. It sounds like a good compromise -- of course it will soon become "deecees" and will acquire perjorative connotations.

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