Day By Day

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

A German Perspective on America

It's interesting what you can find while reading comments on other people's blogs. Joseph Britt, over at Belgravia Dispatch was critical of President Bush's "apology" in Riga for the Yalta Agreement in which the US acquiesced to Soviet post-war occupation of Eastern Europe. Read the post here.

Among the comments on the posting was one by Ulrich Speck who wrote:
As a non-US-citizen - German -, I admire the grandeur of GWB to admit former failures. This is sign of honesty for the US, of force, not of weakness. There is also another point in Bush's speeches that amazes me: they are not completly calculated. There is a tone of straightforwardness I like very much. He talkes about freedom in a manner that showes you how serious he is about. Maybe that's a part of his success. He is serious, not ironic, postmodern, as Clinton has been. He is serious about freemdom, and the way he sends this message around the globe is an important reason for the new wave of democratization: Georgia, Ukraine, Lebanon. He says, to the suppressed: If you need my help, I be with you. I think these speeches are really historic. They give people - at home and abroad - an interpretation of what is going on, and they change the course of many people's life.

I think that's about right. People in the US aren't focusing on the world stage right now but we are in the midst of a global revolution for which George H. W. Bush bears a great deal of responsibility and deserves a great deal of credit. He has already established himself as a world-historical figure and many of his speeches will be remembered for generations to come.

Speck does more than comment. He has a wonderful blog of his own -- Kosmoblog. Most of it is in German, but parts are in English and whether or not you can read Deutsch, you should check it out here.


Check out these comments from his e-mail at Gateway Pundit:

I just got this in my email:I am from Europe, and I am strong supporter of President Bush. Bush has many friends here in Easter Europe. Those of us who remembers oppression and value freedom, feel a special bond to Bush.Thank you, Mr. Bush! You have a special place in all our hearts. Denes, Hungary

Even Western Europe is showing "W" some love today...This from Spain...

From Spain:Congratulations Mr. Bush.God Bless America!! (and Georgia)LouReedCensored

Oh, Oh, Oh! ...and check this comment out at BarcePundit (You really need to click on this spanish blog to believe it!) Interesantísimo y en especial "The staunchly pro-American Baltic nations, who were recently admitted, have already begun infuriating the foreign policy of appeasement and inaction worked by France and Germany." da que pensar!

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